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1. 一般的な決まり文句

(a). 「やんわり断りたいときは」 = I'd like to, but,......
(b). はっきりと答えにくい時= It depends. しかし、On what ? と聞かれるので次の説明を考えておくこと。
(c). 何処でも、いつでも使う言葉=Thank you. と Excuse me.
(d). 人にものを頼む場合必ず Please ! をつけること。
(e). 相手の言葉が分からなかった時= Pardon ?, I beg your pardon ?, 等の外に, Sorry ? も有効。
(f). 意味が分からないとき聞き返そう= What is the meaning of ......... ? とか  I didn't catch you. とかを使う。テキトウに yes ! とか云ってごまかさない。
(g). 年齢等答えたくない質問には= I'd rather not say.
(h). 言葉が出てこないとき= Let me see. とか Let see. とかいって時間をかせぐ。喉まで出てきてるんだがは It's on the tip of my tongue. と云うらしい。
(i). 譲り合う心一つで事故はゼロ。= Go ahead. (After you.) どうぞお先へ!心にゆとりを持ってすごそう。
(j). 丁度この様な。= just like this. 結構有効。
(k). 大丈夫 ?= Are you OK ?.....I'm OK. OKはとても便利。
(l). はい、これをどうぞ!= Here you are !  人にものを差し出す時などに使う。 Please, please というのもおかしい。
(m). プレゼント等をあげる時=I hope you like it.
(n). 誰かここに座ってる?=Is somebody sitting here ?
(o). 何かでうんざりしてるとき=I'm sick of ...........( I'm sick of this humidity. )

2. 会社受付の決まり言葉

(a). May I help you ? =いらっしゃいませ!
(b). May I take your business card, please ? =お名刺を頂けますか?
(c). Do you have an appointment with.....?=お約束されてますか?
(d). This way, please. =どうぞ、こちらへ

3. 会社電話の決まり文句

(a). Hello, this is ..... Co. What can I do for you ? =こちらは...会社です。ご用件は?
(b). Who's calling, please ?= どちら様ですか?
(c). Will you spell your name, please ?= お名前の綴りをお願いします。
(d). Yes, Mr...., I'll tell him. Hold the line, please. = はい、....様、そのままお待ち下さい。
(e). I'm sorry, he's out. Is there any message ? = すみません、外出中です。何か御伝言は?

4. Get の使い方

(a).その鉛筆を取ってくれる?=Could you get me that pencil ?
(b). 出かけよう = Let's get going.
(c). 風邪気味なの= I think I'm getting a cold.
(d). 眠れない= I don't get any sleep.
(e). 終わらせる= get it done.
(f). 避けて通れない=There's no getting around it.
(g). 出て行け!/冗談を言うな!= Get out of here !
(h). 出て行け!/消え失せろ!= Get lost !

5. タクシー、バス用語

(a). タクシーを拾う=catch a taxi
(b). タクシーを頼みたい= need a cab.
(c.) タクシー乗り場= taxi stand
(d). .....迄行って下さい= Take me to ....., please.
(e). どちらまで?= Where to ? (運転手の決まり文句=ウエートゥ?と聞こえる)
(f). 乗車する/降車する= get in / get out
(g). ここで降ろして!= Let me off here, please.
(h). 切符を買う= get a ticket
(j). バスの中で= on the bus
(k). 往復料金= a round-trip fare (発音はラウントリ)
(l). ......行きの= bound for ........或いは ( for .......)
(m). ...のそばを通る= go by........
(n). .....行きのバスはありますか?= Is there any bus service to ......?

6. ホテルで

(a). モーニングコール = Wake-up call
(b). ......の調子が悪い= There's something wrong with ....
(c). お湯が出ない = The hot water isn't running.
(d). 故障している = don't work
(e). 会計をお願いします= My bill, please. ビを強く発音する。Beer が来るかも! or, Check, please.
(f). 場所を尋ねるとき = Is there .....? (とても便利) 

7. レストランでの決まり文句

(a). 何人様ですか?(レストランで必ず尋ねられる)=How many in your party ?
(b). メニューにある= be on the menu. (What's on the menu ?)
(c). 席までご案内しますのでお待ち下さい= Please wait to be seated.
(d). (料理が )来る= come 私のサラダがまだです。(My salad hasn't come yet.)
(e). 注文を取る=take one's order 注文をお聞きして良いですか(May I take your order ?)
(f). 持ち帰り用にする= make it for takeout.
(g). ....の為に乾杯!= Here's to ......! (Here's to the success of our project.)
(h). 勘定をまとめて払う= take care of the bill.

8. 車の決まり文句

(a). レンタカーを乗り捨てる= drop it off
(b). 燃費が良い= get good gas mileage
(c). 道が空いている= be little traffic
(d). (人から)車を借りる= borrow a car/(金を出して借りるのは rent, hire)
(e). ...へドライブに行く= drive to ......
(f). ...を家まで車で送る= drive....home/ take .....home/(send は使えない)
(g). ...を降ろす= drop ... off
(h). 降りる= 一般的に「乗り物から降りる」は get off/get out(of). 発音はゲロオフ、ゲダウ
(i). ...を車に乗せてやる= give .... a ride
(j). 車を待たせる= have a car waiting
(k). 左側通行= keep to the left
(l). 駐車する= park
(m). ...を車で迎えに行く= pick ... up
(n). 点検する= take a look
(o). 到着しました= Here we are.
(p). 後部座席に乗る= get in the back/運転席:driver's seat/助手席:passenger seat
(q). 故障する= break down
(r). パンクする= get a flat
(s). タイヤの空気が減る= low
(t). 制限速度= speed limit
(u). 急に漏れ出す= spring a leak
(v). 牽引する= tow
(w). 保険をかける= get insurance
(x). バッテリーを充電する = charge the battery
(y). 数珠つなぎ= bumper-to-bumper
(z). 車のへこみ傷= dent

9. 銀行の決まり文句

(a). ...が期限だ= become due/支払期日:the due date
(b). ローン契約をする = take out a loan
(c). ...について知りたい= I'd like some information on ...
(d). 扱っている = accept/ take
(e). 換金する = cash (小切手を振り出す=draw a check)
(f). 両替する = convert
(g). 為替レート = exchange rate
(h). ... をーに交換する =exchange....for -/( changeはお金をくずす )
(i). 小切手を発行してもらう = get a checkbook issued.
(j). 金種を希望する = How do you want the money ?
(k). 口座へ振り込む= send money directly to one's account.
(l). 利息が付く= bring you ...% interest
(m). 口座を開く = open an ...... account/(普通: savings account: 当座: checking account)
(n). 残高を云う= tell ... one's balance
(o). 引き出す= withdraw.....
(p). 釣り銭の要らないようにお願いします= Exact change, please.
(q). ... に口座を持つ= have an account with .....
(r). ホテルなどの会計係= Cashier

10. 支払の決まり文句

(a). ... だけ返して= Give me ... back, please. (残りはチップ)/Keep the change, please.
(b). いくらですか?=How much do I owe you ? (正式)
(c). カードで支払える?= accept a charge card ? /(カードで払いたい= I'd like to charge it.)
(d). 計算が合う = add up/ (お釣りが足らないようですが=I'm afraid I was short-changed.)
(e). 全部で...になる = come to altogether
(f). 有料です=be not free
(g). ... が不足する = be short of ....
(h). 10ドルにまけて下さい= Make it 10 dollars, please.
(i). 計算などが間違っている = be wrong
(j). (両替で)ーを......にくずす= break -into .....
(k). 「おあいそ」して下さい= Could you give me the bill ?
(l). 分割払いで= on easy payment
(m). 店のおごり =on the house
(n). 高すぎる! =You're overcharging me !
(o). (誰々に)....の借りがある= owe one for ....
(p). 現金で支払う= pay in cash.(小切手で支払う= pay by check)
(q). 小銭= small change
(r). .....が使える= take/ Do you take Visa card ?
(s). (支払は)......で = with...../ with a traveler's check.
(t). 頭金 =down/How about $100 down and $50 a month.
(u). これを頂きます= I'll take this one./This one, please.

11. 電話の決まり文句

(a). 電話に出る= answer the phone/get the phone/pick up the phone
(b). つながらない= be disconnected/The line was cut.
(c). 長電話する = be long on the phone
(d). トムから電話だよ= Tom's on the phone for you.
(e). (硬貨を)投入する= deposit (10 cents, please.)
(f). 直接通話 = direct call (Dial zero, and you can make a direct call.)
(g). 交換台につなぐ= get the operator
(h). 電話番号を知る = have a number
(i). 電話をお借りできますか? = May I use your telephone ? (May I borrow your phone ? と言えない)
(j). ケンから電話だ= Ken wants you on the phone.
(k). このコイン使える?= Is this coin all right for telephone ?
(l). そちらはどなたでしょうか?= Who am I talking to ? /Who's calling ?/ Who is this ? please. ? (Who are you ? は失礼)
(m). 回線状態が悪い= The line is bad.
(n). 彼は休みです。 = He's off today.
(o). 私は今手が離せない= I'm tied up at the moment.
(p). 番号違いです=I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
(q). (交換で)...につなぐ=I'll put you through.
(r). 声を大きくする=speak up
(s). 伝言を聞く= take a message
(t). メアリーはいますか?=Is Mary in ? (いません =She is out now.)
(u). (オペレーターが)先方が出ました=Your party is on the line.
(v). (オペレーターが)お話下さい= Please, go right ahead.

12. 買い物の決まり文句

(a). ...を見せて下さい = May I see .... ?
(b). これは如何ですか?= Perhaps you'd like this. /How about this one ?
(c). ...には何がいいでしょうか?= What do you suggest for ...?
(d). ...の売場は何階ですか?= Which floor is ... on ?
(e). 特長(いい点)= a strong point
(f). これは何に使うの?= What's this for ?
(g). この素材は何?= What material is this made of ?
(h). ただ今品切れです= We're out of stock just now.
(i). (店で)扱う = carry/stock/sell
(j). 一緒に買い物に来てくれる?= Will you come shopping with me ?
(k). まける = cut the price / give a discount / give me a better price/ make a discount
(l). 別料金 = extra charge
(m). どこで修理してもらえる?= Where can I get this fixed ?/have it repaired
(n). 見てみる= have a look (見てるだけ=just looking)(見て回る=look around)
(o). 返品(返金)してくれる?= Could I have a refund on this ?
(p). あたしのサイズの = in my size
(q). とっておいてくれる?= Will you keep this for me ?
(r). 取り寄せる = place an order
(s). 発送する = ship (配達する = deliver)
(t). 保険をかける = get insurance
(u). 寸法を計る = take one's measurements (調整する= adjust)
(v). これを頂きます = I'll take it.
(w). 試着してもいいですか? = May I try it ?
(x). このサイズは合いません =This doesn't fit me.
(y). よく似合うよ = You look nice in that suit.
(z). 地味な = plain (派手な= flashy/loud)

13. 空港での決まり文句

(a). 予約の確認をする = confirm the reservation
(b). 乗り継ぎ便 = connecting flight (transit=同じ便に再搭乗/ transfer=別便に乗り換え)
(c). 今どの辺を飛行中?= Where're we flying over ?
(d). エコノミークラスに乗る = Go coach/tourist class/economy class
(e). キャンセル待ちにして下さい = Put me on the waiting list.
(f). 座席を倒してもいいですか? = Can I recline my seat ?
(g). 乗り物酔い = airsickness/carsickness (気分が悪い = I feel sick.)
(h). 飛行機に乗る = take plane
(i). これを持ち込めますか?= Can I take this with me ?
(j). 出発時間 = the time it leaves / the departure time (搭乗時間 =the boarding time)
(k). 客室乗務員 = flight attendants (今 stewardess と云わない)
(l). 地上勤務員 = ground staff
(m). 乗客 = passengers (n). 上部手荷物入れ = overhead compartment/overhead bin
(o). 搭乗時の挨拶
Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be taking off in a few seconds. Please make sure your seat belt is fastened. Thank you.
(p). 荷物用カート =luggage cart
(q). 搭乗手続カウンター= check-in counter
(r). 発着案内ボード = flight information board
(s). 滑走路 = runway
(t). 飛行機の駐機場 (エプロン)= apron
(u). 管制塔  = control tower
(v). 操縦関係乗務員 = cockpit crew(機長= captain: 副操縦士=copilot: 航空士=navigator)
(w). 客室関係乗務員 = cabin crew(パーサー: purser 客室乗務員 = flight attendants)
(x). 飲み物のサービス
Attendant: Would you like something to drink ?
Passenger: Yes,please. What do you have ?
Attendant: We have coffee, tea, and orange juice.
Passenger: I'll have orange juice, please.
(y). 到着時刻及び天気情報
Ladies and Gentlemen,
we will be landing at Kansai International Airport in about 30 minutes.
According to the latest weather report, it is fair in Osaka, and the temperature is 61 degrees Fahrenheit or 16 degrees Centigrade.
Thank you.

14. 人間の表現

(a). 外見 = appearance (性格 = character)
(b). 気前のいい = generous (あくせくしない=easygoing / 前向きの=optimistic)
(c). 四角い顔 = square face (卵形の顔=oval face: 丸顔= round face)
(d). ふさふさした髪 = thick hair(さらさらした髪=soft looking hair)
(e). 分別がある = sensible (思いやりのある =considerate)
(f). 意志の強い = strong-willed (断固とした=determined)
(g). 野心がある = ambitious (エネルギッシュな= energetic/積極的な =aggressive)
(i). そばかす= freckles (カラスの足跡= crow's feet)
(j). 穏やかな = calm (謙虚な=modest)
(k). 几帳面な = methodical (きれい好きの=tidy)
(l). 強情な = stubborn (我がままな= selfish)
(m). 少し神経質な = too sensitive (sensitive のみで使う場合、よく気の配る、美的感覚の鋭い、の意味になる)
(n). つんと上を向いた鼻 = turned-up nose
(o). 寝癖のついた髪 = messy hair (濃い眉毛=thick eyebrows)
(p). 社交的な = sociable/outgoing (情熱的な=passionate)
(q). 機知に富んだ = witty (創造的な = creative)

15. サラリーマン生活

(a). 履歴書を書く = write a resume (レズメイ)
(b). 労働条件をチェックする = check the working conditions
(c). 求人に応募する = apply for a job
(d). 採用試験を受ける = have a job interview
(e). 契約を結ぶ = sign a contract
(f). 営業部に配属される = be posted to the sales department
(g). 勤務時間 = working hours (休憩をする=take a break/残業する=work overtime)
(h). 有給休暇 = paid vacation/ holiday(普通お休みは=day-off)
(i). 週休二日 = five-day work week (会社で働く = work for a company)
(j). 商談をする = negotiate (会議に出る=attend a meeting)
(k). 昇進する =get a promotion (昇給する=get a raise)
(l). 転勤になる = be transferred to...(辞令=appointment notification)
(m). 仕事 =work: job=収入のある仕事 (労働=labor/長くつらい仕事=toil/義務としての仕事=task)
(n). 給料 = pay(一般)  : wages=時給、日給、週休等短期間の報酬
(o). 通勤手当 = commuting allowance (住宅手当=housing allowance/ 残業手当=overtime pay)
(p). 多国籍企業 = multinational enterprise(外資系企業=foreign affiliate)
(q). 会長 =chair person(会議の議長の意味もある) / 社長=president/chief executive officer(CEO)
(r). 会社役員 = member of the Board of Directors (経営者=executive officer)
(s). ノルマ、ノルマって.. もうたくさん!= Quotas, quotas....I've had it up to here !
(t). オフィスの略語
re=regarding= ...の件,, /attn.=attention=......宛,, / c/o=care of=....気付,, / ASAP=as soon as possible=大至急,,
/ #=number=No.=ナンバー,, / alt.=alternate=substitute=変更する,, / RSVP=respondez s'il vous plait=返事下さい
(u). 納期に間に合わせる = meet the deadline
(v). 報告をまとめる = put together a report (参考資料をファイルする = file reference materials)
(w). 電話を保留にする = put someone on hold

16. 道を聞く時の決まり文句

(a). 通りのどちらですか? = Which side of the street is it on ?(cf. 君の味方だ=I'm on your side.)
(b). 西口はどちら? =Which way is the western exit ?(方向、方角を尋ねる)
(c). ...にある = You'll find it (on your right).
(d). ...の向こうにある = It's (right) across (the street).
(e). 事務所は角から三軒目=The office is the third building around the corner.
(f). 通りの突き当たり = It's at the end of this street.
(g). この辺に詳しい ? = Are you familiar with this area ?
(h). 利用できる = available
(i). 友達とはぐれる = My friend is missing. (My luggage is missing.= 荷物が行方不明)
(j). ..の手前にある = be on this side of ....(向こう側=the far side/the other side)
(k). ここは初めて = It's my first time here./I'm a stranger here. (ここはどこ? = Where am I ?)
(l). 道案内しましょう = Let me be your guide.
(m). 歩いて行ける? = Is it close enough to walk ?
(n). ついて来て ! = Come along with me. (連れて行ってあげる = I'll take you there.)
(o). 地図を書いて! = Draw me a map, please. (地図では= on a map)
(p). 行って帰る = get there and back.
(q). この道は駅まで行く? = Does this road go to the station ?
(r). 何か目印はある? = Are there any landmarks along the way ?
(s). 右(左)に曲がる = make a right (left)
(t). 地図に印を付けて! = Mark this map, please.
(u). 市役所のとなり = It's next door to City Hall.
(v). 近道 = shortcut to ....(最寄りの =the closest)
(w). 一時間以内に行く = I'll be over in an hour. (すぐ行きます= I'll be there right away.)
(x). 彼を連れてくる = I'll bring him to see you.
(y). 家によって = Please drop by my home. (drop in/stop by/run down to)
(z). 会う = get together

17. スケジュールの決まり文句-1

(a). あなたの都合のいい時に = at your convenience
(b). 担当者 = someone in charge
(c). トイレはどこ? = Where is the bathroom ?
(d). ジョンが来ました = Here's John to see you.
(e). 何のご用ですか? = Could I ask what this is about ?
(f). いつでもいいです = Any time is OK.
(g). ご都合は如何? = Can you make it ?
(h). 明日ならどうですか? = How about for tomorrow ?
(i). いつまでやってるの? = How long will it run ?
(j). もちろん!ですよ = You bet ! (Sure thing/Sure enough)
(k). 今,暇なんだ = I've got nothing to do now.
(l). いや別に = Not especially/Nothing special/Not specially/Not much/Nothing particularly
(m). たくさんの仕事が溜まっている = I have a pile of work to do.
(n). 面会のお約束をしたい = I'd like to make an appointment to meet you.
(o). 予定どおり出発しますか? = Are you leaving as scheduled ?
(p). 何時に戻ればいい? = What time should be back ?
(q). それで結構です = That'll be fine. (That suits me./That sounds good.)
(r). 一時間ほど空いている = I'm free for about an hour.
(s). 今週の予定は? = What are you going to do this week ?
(t). 何曜日が都合いい? = What day would be good for you ?
(u). 午後は休んだ = I was off for the afternoon.
(v). 週末はどこへ行くの? = Where are you off to this weekend ?
(w). では、その時間にお伺いします = I'll be there then.
(x). 転職を考えている = I'm thinking of changing jobs.
(y). 予定より五分遅れ = 5 minutes behind schedule
(z). 時間が詰まっている = I'm tied up.

18. スケジュールー2

(a). カレンダーをチェックします = Let me consult my calendar. (=check)
(b). 都合のいい時間は? = What's your convenient time ?
(c). 何故そのクラスをサボりたいの? = Why do you want to cut the class ?
(d). 今晩、予定がある? = Are you doing anything this evening ?
(e). それがいいです = That will do. (間に合う、役立つ)
(f). 時間を決めよう = Let's fix the time.
(g). 時間がある? = Got a minute ?
(h). 会社に戻る = I'll get back to the office.
(i). そのプランをチェックしよう = Let's go over the plan.(=check)
(j). それをすぐに提出します = I'll hand in it right now. 
(k). 約束がある = have an appointment (=engagement)
(l). その日は用事がない = I have no other business that day.
(m). 何時,時間がとれる? = When will you have some free time ?
(n). 何時がいいと思いますか? = What time do you have in mind ?
(o). 二,三日休んだ = I had a few days off.
(p). 今夜何か予定がある? = Do you have any plans for tonight ?
(q). 次の木曜日休暇を取っていい? = Can I have the day off next Thursday ?
(r). もしよければ、電話していい? = I'd like to call you, if I may.
(s). 時と場所を知らせて! = Let me know when and where.
(t). 君が日時を決めて! = You name it.
(u). 来週まで延ばしたい = I want to put it off until next week.
(v). その通りです = That's it. (That's what I mean.)
(w). スケジュールがかなりきつい = I'm afraid the schedule is pretty tight.
(x). 君が来るか確認したい = I want to be sure you're coming tonight.
(y). それはうまくいった = It worked out well.
(z). それをどのように思いますか? = How does that sound to you ?

19. 挨拶の決まり文句

(a). 初めまして、どうぞよろしく = How do you do ? Nice to meet you.
(b). その後どうしてたの? = How have you been ? / What have you been up to ?
(c). 久しぶりね! = It's been a long time./ Long time no see !
(d). 今日は上手く行った? = How'd it go today ?
(e). 調子はどう? = How's everything going ? (返答は Same as usual. Thanks.の様に thanks, thank you. をつける)
(f). やあ!げんきかい? = How'ya man ? (マーンと延ばす)
(g). お目にかかれて良かった = It's been my pleasure.
(h). お目にかかれて光栄です = It's a great honor to meet you. 公式には = It's a great honor and privilege to meet you.
(i). いつもと一緒 = Oh, like always. /About the same. (What's new ? に対し)、(What else is new ?=外に何か?)
(j). あなたもね! = Same to you ! (Have a nice weekend. 等と云われたら)
(k). どうしてここに? = What brings you here.
(l). 仕事はどう? = How are you getting along with your work ?
(m). 如何お過ごしですか? = How are you getting along ? /How are you ? / Howdy
(n). 何処に引っ込んでいたの? = Where've you been keeping yourself ?
(o). みんな寂しくなります = We'll miss you.
(p). 初めてお会いしたと思います = I don't think we've met. (No, I'm afraid not. と返答)
(q). もしかしたらジョンさんですか? = Would you perhaps be John ?
(r). 言わせて頂ければ = I would say, .....仮定を言外に含むwould....会話が柔らかくなる

20. 依頼の決まり文句

(a). それについて話してくれますか? = Do you feel like telling me about it ?
(b). 喜んで! = I'd be happy to./ Sure/ Certainly/ I'd love to.
(c). 手間はとらせません = It won't take a minute.
(d). あなたを頼りにしています = I know I can count on you.
(e). やめてくれ! = Give me a break.
(f). 電灯をつけてくれる? = May I have the lights on, please ?
(g). 手伝って! = Can you help me with this, please ? /Can you give me a hand ?
(h). 今度は私の頼みを聞いて! = Do me a favor in return. /It's your turn to do me a favor.
(i). 手間はとらせません = I won't keep you long.
(j). 時間を取ってくれますか? = Could you spare me a minute ?
(k). お願いしていいですか?= Could you do me a favor ?
(l). Why don't you ....? = Won't you ....?
(m). そんなこと出来ませんよ = How can I do that.
(n). やめておきましょう = I guess not./ I'd rather not./ I'm afraid not. I'm afraid I can't.
(o). 煙草を吸ってもいい? = Would you mind my smoking ? (ご遠慮下さい= I'd rather you didn't.)
(p). 私の知った事じゃない = It's your funeral.
(q). いやだね! = No way ! / Nothing doing ! /Absolutely not ! / Cut it out ! / Once and for all.
(r). いいえ、出来ません = No, I don't think I can make it.
(s). そんな気分じゃないんです = I'm not in the mood./I don't feel like it now.
(t). もう準備が出来ているよ = I'm prepared for that.
(u). 何を言いたいのか分からない = I don't understand what you're driving at. (=getting at)
(v). やめておきましょう = I'd better pass it up.
(w). 出来るだけのことはしましょう = I'll do my best.
(x). 引き受けましょう = I'll handle it. / I'll take care of it.
(y). 出来ればそうします = I will if I can.
(z). ええ、構いませんよ = No, go ahead. (Do you mind if I smoke here ? の問いに対して) /= No, not at all.

21. 意見、承諾、会話のつなぎ の 決まり文句

(a). どうしてもと言うなら、いいですよ = OK, if I have to. / OK, if you insist.
(b). いいよ、僕にやれというのなら = OK, if you want me to.
(c). いいねえ! = Sounds good. (賛成の表現)
(d). 勿論ですとも = Why not ? (Great ! I'm glad to ...の方がいい表現)/ 「そうしましょうか」ぐらい
(e). ええ、喜んで! = With pleasure. / My pleasure.
(f). よし、決まった! = You've got a deal !
(g). 考えておきましょう = OK. I'll consider it. / I'll think about it. / I'll give it some thought.
(h). 覚えておきましょう = I'll keep it in mind.
(i). とにかく = Anyhow / Anyway / To change the subject, / By the way, / after all
(j). そういえば = Come to think of it, ..../ Now that you mention it, (now that= ....だから)
(k). つまり、私の言いたいのは = I mean to say / What I want to say is ...
(l). 記憶が正しければ = If I remember correctly, ... / Before I forget ../ While I remember ..
(m). 結局は = in conclusion, .../ In short, (最後に乾杯をもう一度! = In conclusion, I would like to offer a toast.)
(n). つまり、 = In other words,
(o). えーと、 = Just a second. / Well / Let me see. / Say,..
(p). それで思い出した = That reminds me, / That rings a bell.
(q). 話を元に戻しますと = To get back to the original point, ...
(r). 要するに、 = To sum up your point, ...
(s). まあ、そうとも言える = That's one way of putting it.
(t). まあ、そんなところです = Something like that.
(u). お話の途中ですけど = I'm sorry to interrupt you, but... / Sorry to bother you, but../ I'm sorry to break into your conversation,
(v). 何か変わったことある? = What's going on ? / What's up ? / What's happening ?
(w). ちょっと話がしたい = I'd like to have a word with you. (初対面の場合 = May I speak with you ?)
(x). お話ししたいことがある = There's something I've got to talk over with you.
(y). この場所は初めてですか = Are you new here ? (話しかけるとき= Look here, sir,../ I say, ma'am, ...)
(z). 聞いて、聞いて! = Guess what. = Guess what happened to me. (Guess who.等)

22. 表現のニュアンス

(a). まったくその通り! = Definitely ! / Absolutely ! / You said it !
(b). 確かです = For sure. / Surely / Certainly / Indeed / Right
(c). その理由を確信している = I'm positive about the reason,..that...
(d). 眼鏡を確かにそこに置いたんだが = I'm quite sure I left my glasses there.
(e). 確かにそうです = It sure is. (ホントに暑い = It's sure hot.)/ もちろんだ!= Sure thing = You bet !
(f). それを確信している = I have no doubt of it.
(g). どうもそうらしい = Apparently, = It appears that ....
(h). 絶対!...する = Certainly =Definitely = Yes, I agree.
(i). きっと.....する = I bet it will rain tomorrow.
(j). ....のようですね = I guess.....= I suppose = I suspect = I imagine
(k). ...だろうか? = I wonder if I could have another bottle of beer ? (相手の気持ちを確認する)
(l). ...でないかと心配だ = I'm afraid so. (残念ながらそうです)
(m). ひょっとすると = Possibly, ... Possibly you've forgotten all about me ?
(n). 一杯いかが? = How about a drink ? ( =What do you say to .....)
